Featured in Maltesen magazine vol. 89
19 May
Pedal Tra(m)ppisten – Belgien Runt på Cykel
“2006 genomförde RateBeer-redaktören, belgoölexperten, ölfrämjandemedlemmen, ja helt
enkelt ölgurun Tomas Danko en resa som torde vara ölets heliga graal-äventyr.\”- Christer Leivo
Six years ago I decided to bicycle around all of Belgium over a five week period visiting a lot of breweries and beer pubs. I kept a diary during the >1000 kilometer trip and the end result will hopefully turn into a book one day. You can read a nine page article excerpt in the first issue of 2012 of the Maltesen beer magazine, with focus on my visits to the six Trappist monasteries that brew beer. The magazine is in Swedish and distributed in hard copy and prescription only although members of Svenska Ölfrämjandet can download the magazine in PDF-format.
Link to Maltesen
Direct link to issue 2012-1 and the article in PDF-format
Link to PDF archive of the magazine