Featured in c/o HOPS #24
02 Jan
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“Jättebolagen som köper bryggerier har olika intentioner. Den stora boven är ABInBev som försöker döda all konkurrens, man köper för att lägga ned eller laka ur värdet i lokala bryggeriers produkter. Det är sabotage. Andra förvaltar varumärkena så att de fortfarande gör bra öl, som Duvel Moortgat med Boulevard.” – Myself quoted in c/o HOPS
In the latest issue of c/o HOPS I am one of several brewers interviewed in the cover article.
We discuss the matter of ownership in the brewing industry. Does it matter if you are independent or not? Myself being owner of a small craft brewery and fully independent got a lot of opinion in the matter, leading to numerous quotes in the article. Some of them are perhaps not as anti-corporate ownership as you’d think.
The article can be found starting on page 42. The magazine is in Swedish and distributed in hard copy.Link to c/o HOPS website
Link to purchasing c/o HOPS issue #24 from Humlegården